Take 3 deep breaths down into your stomach allowing your stomach to expand with each breath, after about three breaths go back to shallow breathing, the stresses and strains of your day will be drifting away . Take your focus to your 3rd eye and visualise a TV screen there...do not allow any interruptions to distract you (an itch or sneeze can be ignored) and just be with your higher self...taking notice of any thoughts, images, words that you may hear, just allow them to come to you, drifting, floating by ...when you feel your time is up (2 minutes or 2 hours it`s up to you) give thanks for the messages you have received and continue your day.
So lets start by sitting upright (when we lay down to meditate were relaxing more than meditating)
Take 3 deep breaths down into your stomach allowing your stomach to expand with each breath, after about three breaths go back to shallow breathing, the stresses and strains of your day will be drifting away . Take your focus to your 3rd eye and visualise a TV screen there...do not allow any interruptions to distract you (an itch or sneeze can be ignored) and just be with your higher self...taking notice of any thoughts, images, words that you may hear, just allow them to come to you, drifting, floating by ...when you feel your time is up (2 minutes or 2 hours it`s up to you) give thanks for the messages you have received and continue your day.
Now this is a big one for us to get right...If I trust you you`ll let me down and I`ll feel weakened because of it...How often has that thought crossed our mind..So let`s think about trust from a different perspective ...If I trust you I will be vulnerable, and from my state of vulnerability there will come many glorious surprise because I have opened myself up to receive. To be vulnerable is not a weakness, it`s an open heart waiting to enjoy life and all that it has to offer. When we stop trusting we set negative boundaries which will naturally without us trying impinge on your relationship whether it be with family, friends or colleagues and they`ll not benefit any of us. So to trust keeps us open to receive all the beauty life has to offer while when we don`t trust we draw all that is negative towards us blocking all the beautiful adventures we could be receiving...So let`s start today by visualising our heart as being open to the world, see yourself speaking and acting directly from your heart and you`ll be amazed by the wonderful experiences that will naturally be drawn to you...
Let me know if you notice any positive changes to your life...I`d love to hear of your story. With love, Lyn x Do you feel like your in a rut, stuck in a thought - habit - routine that you just can`t seem to get yourself out of?
Sit alone and quietly, close your eyes and just allow yourself to BE with YOU...mentally set your intention to change whatever aspect of yourself you desire...now sit patiently allowing whatever thoughts come into your mind to sit with you, any feelings that arise allow them to flow, don`t hold back should you find your tears washing over your face, just let them be...sit for however long it takes you to process what your experiencing always knowing you are in safe hands and that no harm will come to you. You`ll be amazed at how much more vibrant and alive you`ll feel afterwards.. If you have any questions on any of my Blogs subjects please e-mail me at Lyn.stones.com and i`ll be happy to help you. With love, Lyn x Before you get up each day and have your shower/bath or whatever take a moment or two to see from just below your feet a bright red ball of light, then breath the red light up and around your body cocooning yourself in that red light, do the same with an orange ball of light, then yellow, orange, sky blue, indigo, violet finishing with a pure white light..by now you should be encased with all the colours of your chakras extending out as far as you can visualise, don`t keep the colours close to you but allow each colour its own space...you will have cleansed your aura along with protecting your energy...repeat as often as you feel the need to help protect you throughout the day..
Close your eyes and take a moment to breath deeply into your belly allowing each breath to make it swell...after about a minute of deep breathing relax back into shallow breathing...remaining in this calm state give yourself time to ignore the chatter going on in your head, notice how the chatter is not part of you...ignoring that itch which is really just trying to distract you from your state of bliss listen for any guidance that comes to you...Do this for a minute or two each day and you`ll find your life changes to a calmer more loving life than you could ever imagine.
Blessings, Lyn x What you can not change = release
Release = liberation Liberation = oppression Oppression = persecution Persecution = punishment Punishment = how you treat yourself How you treat yourself = love yourself Love yourself = love all Blessings, Lyn x It`s natural to want and desire something or someone to come into your life...so send out that thought to the universe finishing with "if it is for my highest good" then get on with your life and let the universe sort it for you in the best possible way the universe knows how..
With love, Lyn x When we trust in ourselves and those around us to be living in harmony with nature our love can only expand out to all who are drawn to us as we are drawn to them...
Blessings, Lyn x I`ve come to realise in this second what a miracle it is for us all to be sharing this time and place together. How lucky we are to live on this beautiful land we call home. When we stop and think about how other`s are having to suffer such terrible lives we know we have been given the gift of a miracle to enjoy throughout our lives..so lets embrace every moment of this priceless gift.
Blessings, Lyn x |
Lyn StonesFind my monthly message here and various other bits and bobs that I would like to share with you.