Remember each and every one of us is a miracle made from love. Each one of us chose our family, friends, intelligence, body shape, illness, traumas and trials. Everything we have in our life has been decided by each one of us to overcome, enjoy and grow from....don`t waste a moment regretting the past....release and move on with the knowledge that you have gown as a person not only to help yourself but other`s who you meet along your way. Love and Light, Lyn x
With a New moon comes a NEW LOVE.....will yours be a new relationship, a passionate hobby, or the urge to rekindle the love you have for yourself. Whichever is right for you embrace each moment to it`s fullest with the love you have inside you. x
Lyn StonesFind my monthly message here and various other bits and bobs that I would like to share with you.