Blessings, Lyn
My higher self has shown me I had lost who I was in the doing for other`s...trying to get everything I could just right for them giving no time to what was right for to-day I am remembering to balance my spiritual side with the pleasures of my physical self and once again will enjoy the grass beneath my feet the sun on my face and smell and taste of good food...I pledge from this day forward that I will question each of my actions to ensure they are in alignment with my soul purpose.
Blessings, Lyn
When we centre ourselves by taking a deep breath and allowing our minds to relax our bodies to feel all that our senses bring to us, (return to the breath when you feel your connection with spirit drifting). Do not judge yourself, just be, noticing all that is going on in and around you, not trying to change anything just allowing yourself to experience your true authentic self. Notice how your body feels, what you can hear and see, allowing yourself to remain just being by not reacting to your experience.
You can practise this meditation daily where over time you will know you have released and healed from your past and also from the many births you experienced before this one. With love, Lyn x Are you struggling with health or mind problems, have you found yourself in a destructive relationship?
You can heal those area`s by sitting/standing for a moment in quiet contemplation then when you`re ready ask your healing guides to send you the purest of healing rays to assist you for your highest good. Believe it is happening right now in this moment, finish by giving thanks to all in spirit who are guiding and assisting you daily. Blessings to you, Lyn Be aware of who you have in your energy field...when you can feel YOUR energy being zapped away by their demands its time to move away as experience has shown me it won`t matter how much you try to regain and build your energy back up you won`t achieve this while the drain is still close to pull away may take some time but will inevitably happen when the drain empties you completely...Don`t feed a drain or even worse be a drain. So If you feel this is happening to you stand for a moment arms and legs spread wide and see yourself drawing up the earth's energy with each breath allowing it to fill every cell of your body then open your heart to receive the love from those above, the angels, and from your source while giving grace for being here and to be able to..Blessings, Lyn x
I thought I would write to you about my waking moments. This is the time when spirit will make me aware of who healing is going to and where along with popping any thoughts into my head that can help me or another to come to a conclusion in a situation or to give clarity to a long lost thought/pattern of thoughts....this mornings word is this word is not one that sits in my vocabulary so it must have come to me for me to share...To blame this person, that person to me would be like me handing over my life to another to be responsible for can I blame another for where I am today..I am here at this stage of my life because of me, yes, that`s right, because of the role I played in any given relationship.....we all play our parts to the best of our ability at that given time, there`ll be misunderstandings because one or both didn`t ask the right questions (isn`t that because there wasn`t a right question to ask at the time or it would have been asked) life is played out as we wish it to be so to then blame another seems absolutely ridiculous to me and a total waste of energy, just the same as REGRET...why would I or anyone regret something, to regret must mean I would have gone against my own, had I tried to manipulate someone only to have them see through me and to have failed to gain what I had set out to do, because I would not have been being true to myself or the other person in failing what I was attempting, there would be regret that i`d not succeeded my taking another action to gain whatever it was I wished to lovely FB peeps who are going through some unpleasant stuff right now I can only suggest you step away from the BLAME syndrome and don`t behave in a way you will later REGRET ...I wish for us all to be totally blameless and to never feel the emotion of regret. Love love love, Lyn x
Lyn StonesFind my monthly message here and various other bits and bobs that I would like to share with you.