Psychic & Mediumship Readings
These messages come to me Clairvoyantly as well as Clairaudient
Hi Lyn I hope you don’t mind me writing on here but I just wanted to tell you how much you're reading the other day totally blew me away. Having not seen each other in over 3 years you were unaware of things occurring with me. Just how much you were able to tell what is happening in my life at this time was just incredible. And I’m pleased to say I felt very reassured and guided that it’s all for the best.
I recommend any one to have a reading with you! KM London
A Testimonial from a happy client and lovely lady
I had a very insightful reading from Lyn it was thorough and comprehensive and covered all aspects of life. Gave me clarity and helped me move forwards into a big -change new phase of life. Thank-you Lyn Stones
Just had a reading with Lyn...what a fantastic experience, such accuracy, insight, and confirmation, all delivered with love. LC. France
Just had a great online reading with Lyn Stones thank you very much. MNK. UK
Thank you for your reading.
I was impressed by what you picked up. From the moment you said rebirth I knew that you were tuned into me.
You have a wonderful way of reading and channelling what you get.
I loved it and looked forward to seeing what unfolds.
Please get a reading from Lyn she is fab. DD. Spain
The message will be part card and part channelling.
These messages will help guide you to move forward in relationships, work, money, and health.... they can help to bring peace of mind by removing any worries that you may have.
What will the cards have for you today!
email [email protected]
Readings online or in person - 50 minutes £45
1 Card Reading - £10
Full email reading - £30
Call or text 07873218222
These messages come to me Clairvoyantly as well as Clairaudient
Hi Lyn I hope you don’t mind me writing on here but I just wanted to tell you how much you're reading the other day totally blew me away. Having not seen each other in over 3 years you were unaware of things occurring with me. Just how much you were able to tell what is happening in my life at this time was just incredible. And I’m pleased to say I felt very reassured and guided that it’s all for the best.
I recommend any one to have a reading with you! KM London
A Testimonial from a happy client and lovely lady
I had a very insightful reading from Lyn it was thorough and comprehensive and covered all aspects of life. Gave me clarity and helped me move forwards into a big -change new phase of life. Thank-you Lyn Stones
Just had a reading with Lyn...what a fantastic experience, such accuracy, insight, and confirmation, all delivered with love. LC. France
Just had a great online reading with Lyn Stones thank you very much. MNK. UK
Thank you for your reading.
I was impressed by what you picked up. From the moment you said rebirth I knew that you were tuned into me.
You have a wonderful way of reading and channelling what you get.
I loved it and looked forward to seeing what unfolds.
Please get a reading from Lyn she is fab. DD. Spain
The message will be part card and part channelling.
These messages will help guide you to move forward in relationships, work, money, and health.... they can help to bring peace of mind by removing any worries that you may have.
What will the cards have for you today!
email [email protected]
Readings online or in person - 50 minutes £45
1 Card Reading - £10
Full email reading - £30
Call or text 07873218222